Meet the world’s first mosquito patches. Scientifically formulated and tested, this blend of essential oils is the best natural bug repellent. No sprays, yucky taste, or questionable chemicals necessary!
Mosquitos find humans by sensing the CO2 we emit. Buzzpatch creates a citronella shield that camouflages kids from mosquitos.
Protect your entire family from mosquito bites with our 100% non-toxic, natural, non-spray insect repellent.
- Peel off a sticker from the pack.
- Put it on skin, clothing, or objects near exposed skin.
- Enjoy full protection for 12 hours (up to 72 hours).
Celebrities like Kim Kardashian love NatPat skin-safe mosquito repellent stickers – and you will, too!
For us parents, we know what mosquito bites mean for our kids. Our poor little ones can't handle the itch, day or night.
Some kids get it worse than others, developing an allergic reaction to the bite that causes the area to swell up and is really, really uncomfortable.
Some kids even develop a fear of going outside, just to avoid getting bitten!
BuzzPatch uses the most effective, but safe, essential oil combination designed to confuse mosquitoes and hide your kids from their senses.
Why people love
Natural Patch